Language: French

When Open source Meets Agricultural Tools

Library material summaryAre the founding principles of open source transferable to agriculture? (..) We look at two case studies: a management software for farmers developed by – and called – Ekylibre; and a cooperative that provides farmers with machines that can be self-constructed, l’Atelier Paysan. Both structures are studied by retracing their history and form of organization, studying how they enact the principles of open source, and by describing their tools within their economic and political context.

Library material author(s): Q. Chance, M. Meyer
Library material category:

Farmers’ Innovations Census Tours

Library material summaryL’Atelier Paysan réalise des Tournées de Recensement d’Innovations Paysannes. Partout en France, nous allons de fermes en fermes recueillir, documenter, chroniquer des adaptations, des astuces, des bonnes pratiques autour de l’outillage, du machinisme et des bâtiments qui constituent l’outil de travail de l’exploitation

Library material author(s): Atelier Paysan
Library material category:

Atelier Paysan Tutos

Organization short description:The Plans et Tutorials developed by L'Atelier Paysan
Innovation database entry country: France
Innovation database entry organization: L'Atelier Paysan
Organization country: France


Organization short description:Le WikiMaraicher has been developed by La Coopérative pour l'Agriculture de Proximité Écologique. Le Wiki maraîcher a été mis sur pied afin de permettre aux acteur·rices de la communauté de pratique du maraîchage biologique au Québec et ses environs de partager leurs savoirs tout en les rendant accessibles à l’ensemble des internautes dans un environnement non commercial. To access the WikiMaraicher, you need to create an account and provide your identity and motivation.
Innovation database entry country: Québec
Innovation database entry organization: CAPÉ
Organization country: Québec