Library category: Knowledge system for agroecology

When Open source Meets Agricultural Tools

Library material summaryAre the founding principles of open source transferable to agriculture? (..) We look at two case studies: a management software for farmers developed by – and called – Ekylibre; and a cooperative that provides farmers with machines that can be self-constructed, l’Atelier Paysan. Both structures are studied by retracing their history and form of organization, studying how they enact the principles of open source, and by describing their tools within their economic and political context.

Library material author(s): Q. Chance, M. Meyer
Library material category:

Peasant Agroecology Schools and the Peasant-to-Peasant Method of Horizontal Learning Toolkit

Library material summaryLVC member organizations have increasingly been engaged in a process of documentation, analysis, presentation and sharing of the experiences in each continent and the best practices for practicing agroecology as a broad, social process of learning, education and transformation.

Library material author(s): La Via Campesina
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